One of the major professional early childhood organizations I have chosen to research is the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI). It is based in Washington, DC, but has affiliates in New York, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Illinois, Michigan, Florida, Texas, California, Wisconsin, Maryland, Tennessee, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Missouri.
It was born out of the fairness and equality struggles of the 1960's. It achieved its corporation status in 1970, and has remained steadfast to its endeavors to "improve and protect the quality of life for children of color and their families by giving every child a chance".
NBCDI's programs include:
Love to Read - a program that encourages parents as their child's first teacher, to instill the love of reading at birth.
Entering the College Zone - a program that provides middle school students now with the tools they will need for college.
The Parent Empowerment Program - a program that strengthens parents' knowledge of child development while raising their confidence in themselves and parenting skills.
SPARK DC - a program that promotes school readiness to assure ready schools, ready kids and ready communities.
I encourage you to take a closer look at this website for insightful resources and information that will aid in the education of African American children and other children of color.
National Black Child Development Institute
(Newsletter: )