Perspectives of a Child

QUOTE: "But Jesus called the children to him and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it'." Biblica. (2010). New International Version (NIV). Retrieved from

In the world of a child, things are simple.  Understanding is received at face value.  Exasperated explanations only cause confusion, while general information ignites curiosity and explodes into an effervescent moment of learning.  In the book of Luke, chapter 18, verses 16 through 17 is one of my favorite quotes in the Bible.  It reminds me that even the most controversial of subjects can be understood when approached from a child's perspective.  It is what it is--no fluff, no unnecessary additives, artificial fillers--simple facts, simple truth.

In the world of education, greater understanding and less confusion can be obtained if we approach each lesson with the simplicity of a child's perspective.  As knowledge is gained and curiosity is increased, questions will develop that can lead and guide the learner at their own pace towards the greater, deeper enlightenment of their quest.  This elementary technique can be applied to any person, regarding any subject.

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Teachers Are Like ...

  • Light Bulbs--bringing good things to light.
  • Locksmiths--unlocking our future with keys of knowledge.
  • Farmers--sowing seeds of knowledge into fertile minds.


Depending on your topic and regardless of your credentials, you can teach someone about something. Discover what you do best, nurture it, and pass it on!